S3M Timeline

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-42, 2363

  • Zennith Moss born on Midway, Helene, USA, on a smallish island to the relatively-cool north.

-34, 2371

  • A.J. Triantus (AJ Trent) born in Polyphemus system, sole scion of a fairly prominent shipping magnate.
  • Steve Tulk born on Hollywood, Argo, USA.

-33, 2370

  • Calista born on [station], USA, orphaned; would end up living on pretty much every orbital facility and dirtside station in the system.

-29, 2376

-28, 2377

-26, 2379

  • Tulk's father fired from IBM after 25 years; mysteriously commits suicide later in the year.

-20, 2385

  • Undeclared war between Ozrahdi-Kazha Union (OKU) and the Confederated Human Worlds (CHW) begins with unsuccessful Terran military expedition to aid the Imperial Præxiõn Republic (RPI) in their territories contested with the OKU.
  • Mishka Rollins (Mish) born on Pacifica, USA.

-19, 2386

  • CHW declares war against the Tohre-Chi Combine (TCC) as a result of continued pirate attacks on colonial shipping and installations; it remains a low-intensity conflict, restricted primarily to Naval and privateering actions.

-17, 2388

  • OKU assembles the Great Fleet and sends it into Præxiõn space against the Terrans, which is surprisingly beaten back at [Battle].

-16, 2389

  • CHW sends their own armada into OKU space in response to the failed Ozrahdi attack, and fails similarly.
  • Trent joins Terran Federal Republic Navy (TFRN), commissioned as ensign and assigned to TFS Normandy.
  • Evelyn rolled-out, commissioned for RLM (Rio Largo Mfg) for light shipping duties. Recorded 37 voyages with the corporation, under 5 captains.

-13, 2392

  • Tulk hired at IBM under a false identity, Hanibal G. Dunbar.

-12, 2393

  • Normandy disappearance, Trent sole survivor.
  • Zennith wrapped up his extended education abroad and went to work for his first tech corporation, working his way up from the bottom-rung to an engineering position.
  • Calista “officially” convicted and sentenced to a juvenile corrections facility on Laughing-Buddha.

-11, 2394

  • Trent court-martialed for "dereliction of duty" in regard to Normandy disappearance.
  • Evelyn refitted with newer, more powerful maneuver drives.

-10, 2395

  • Steg joins United Stars Colonial Marines (USCM)
  • Calista released from juvie, having “learned her lesson” (to not get caught).

-9, 2396

  • Trent joins Sophie, captained by Juliette Marceau. Steg gets jailed for “disabling” a superior officer.
  • RLM liquidates its smaller ships in favor of contracting out to larger, more-regular liner service. After 8yrs of faithful service, Evelyn put to market and sold to Cpt. Plumbley. Renamed Lady's Grace.

-7, 2398

  • Trent shot by JMarceu, and subsequently married.

-6, 2399

  • Tulk embezzles IBM money, with the help of a friend, Spyder (Ref:Office Space).
  • Steg escapes prison at Ft. Wincott, Texas, United Stars Alliance (USA), and goes on the run.

-6, 2399

  • Cpt. Plumbley expands his business to include two more ships, a move which he will come to regret as the business doesn't exactly “take-off.”

-5, 2400

  • Replacement Miners: Spyder killed by IBM goons attempting to recover the stolen money; Tulk escapes, ending up at Gateway Station. After some time on the run, Steg also ends up at Gateway Station. Steg & Tulk meet on Supernova Sunset, on the way to a no-questions mining job in the Core that ended in catastrophe; made off with ₴1M (Chets, Kyahnti currency). Sunset drops Tulk & Steg off at Port Crown, where they spend some time trying to recover from their recent experience; later in the year they sign on with a tramp crew, on Annabelle Lee, on its way out of the Core.
  • JoJo graduates [Amaterasu medical university] with honors at 23 years old, considered a prodigy

-4, 2401

  • Confederation taxes on Ozrahdi goods doubled in response to similar OKU import taxes, causing a sharp increase in smuggling.
  • Trent and JMarceau “officially” divorce. Trent signs on with Lady's Grace, captained by Plumbley, an aging former USCM medic.
  • Tulk & Steg part company with Annabelle Lee on Titleman Station, due to crew's concerns as to Tulk’s fitness, brought on by his nightmares/flashbacks; they find work at local pub. Later, Tulk is befriended by a hazel-skinned Bœllann female named Chiana (a regular entertainer at the pub), whom he later suspects to be an information broker, inspiring him to leave again. They sign on with another tramp, Dublin, bound for “anywhere but here.”

-3, 2402

  • Opn Righteous Hammer: Confederate anti-piracy campaign breaks up several small pirate companies operating on the fringes of CHW territory.
  • Tulk & Steg part company with Dublin, Tulk suspecting them of weapons smuggling. They hire on with tramp company headed by Cpt.Plumbley (Tulk working as purser on Transaction Complete), where he meets AJ Trent.
  • Mish graduates boarding school on Pacifica and starts “wandering.”
  • Lady's Grace severely damaged on its way in to Pacifica in a collision that resulted in a major internal fire. For the tax write-off, Cpt. Plumbley gives the ship to Trent, Tulk & friends (who have expressed a desire to start a shipping business) to either repair or scrap. Together they scrape up £19.44M (around $2M in adjusted dollars), and the ship is repaired, rebuilt and refitted, and christened Bad Omen; Deep Space Deliveries (DSD), LLP formed.
  • DSD has problems making ends meet on Pacifica and starts looking to relocate.

-2, 2403

  • DSD relocates to Tamborro Station, find Sophie crew is already residing there. Ty Coleman hired on.
  • Steg rescues Mish from a bad-cop, gaining a friend and making an enemy; Mish takes working passage on Bad Omen, and is later asked to join the crew.
  • Zennith quit his last corporate engineering job due to internal politicking and started selling his weapon inventions as a freelancer. Met Calista when she robbed him on behalf of [org]; ended up married within six months.
  • JoJo absconds with the wife of a Yakuza officer, and runs anywhere a ship will take him; the woman eventually returns to her husband, but JoJo continues to flee before the husband’s inevitable retribution.
  • Toward the end of the year, the CHW is rocked by scandal, as several CHW Navy captains are accused of accepting bribes or kickbacks from pirates in exchange for looking the other way.

-1, 2404

  • The Sabo Affair; A Knock on the Door (PbP)
  • (-7mo; 4 Jul) Chronicles of Trent (PbP)
  • (-6mo; Aug) DSD partners use their shares of their “pirate” loot to buy stakes in Hard Vacuum, officially partnering with Anson Law. Ty Coleman parts with the company to “buy back” his old job at [Freight Lines].
  • (19May-20Jul) Treaty signed to end the Undeclared War between the CHW and the OKU.
  • (-5mo; ? Sep) Mish and Betty disappear suddenly from the station.
  • (-4mo; ? Oct) Steg starts doing bouncer jobs for Anson at Hard Vacuum, slowly transitioning from DSD to full-time work at the bar.
  • (-3mo; ? Nov) The no-questions account containing the Moss’ nest-egg, comprised of recovered monies from a gun-deal-gone-bad and some of Zennith’s royalties, is legally frozen as part of a money-laundering bust, along with other assets owned by the man who set up their account. A month or so later, needing a new source of income, Moss' sign on with DSD, who need to replace Steg and Mish.
  • (-2mo; ? Dec) JoJo’s flight finds him in the Helene System, USA, where he starts looking to settle into hiding.

-0, 2405

  • (24 Feb) DSD Chronicles start; JoJo hired by DSD as ship’s medic a week prior.