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Title: Lëodan the Wanderer, Initiate-Ranger of Elfwood, Man-at-Arms of the Heroes' Guild, Honorary Knight of Generica and Defender of the Capital
Actor: Craig Parker
Lëodan’s mother, Taurwen, was a troubled and broken woman. Her struggles stem from an inability to properly deal with the brutal killings of her siblings and parents by a band of raiding orcs. She lived on her own, in a small cottage on the northern fringes of the Elfwood, where few would go.
Leodan’s father, Vaeril, is from a privileged and influential family and served as a soldier in the home guard. He happened upon Taurwen’s cottage one night when his unit became lost in a storm during a training exercise. Something clicked between Vaeril and Taurwen and it was not long before Vaeril was spending his leave time at the cottage. The relationship turned life around for Taurwen and over time, it silenced her demons. The pair had a child. Lëodan was born.
With Leo’s father away from home for great lengths it was safer for Leo and Taurwen to live with Vaeril’s family. The situation was such that due to his father’s family, Leo, was given every opportunity to pursue whatever he liked. This privilege coupled with an unearned sense of entitlement made Leo arrogant, self-important, and cocky.
It was not until he had a transformative encounter with the Fae before Leo began to reevaluate his life. Like a fine wine, he would have to properly mature before he could be considered good and whole. In time his attitude changed, no longer the directionless youngster, he had now developed a desired to learn of the world and better himself. He would go on to join the Rangers and learned discipline and many of the skills he is on his way to mastering. While still a member of the Rangers, Leo has taken time to travel and see what the world has to offer him. He is an elf, long lived, and there is much to see.
Supporting Cast
- Gerth Rentley: Rotund free-villein w/ a plot in the hinterlands of the Capital, renting a room to Lëodan, & having him help out with the occasional "chores" that take him into the city (so he doesn't have to)
- Madra Rentley: Gerth's wife
Traits (156 points)
Needs update
ST 10* [10]; DX 13† [40]; IQ 12 [40]; HT 11 [10].
Damage 1d-1/1d+1; BL 20 lb; HP 10 [0]; Will 12 [0]; Per 14 [10]; FP 11 [0].
Basic Speed 6.00 [0]; Basic Move 7† [0]; Dodge 11‡.
6' 2"; 145lbs.
Social Background
TL: 3 [0].
CF: Non-Human (Native) [0].
Languages: Common (Accented) [4]; Elvish (Native) [0].
Templates and Meta-Traits
Wood Elf (Dungeon Fantasy; p. DF3:8) [20].
Combat Reflexes [15]; Extra Forest Guardian 2 [10]; Heroic Archer [20]; Night Vision 5 [5]; Striking ST 1 [5].
Perks: Strongbow. [1]
Bloodlust (15 or less) [-5]; Code of Honor (Soldier's) [-10]; Intolerance (Orcs; One group) [-5]; Light Sleeper [-5]; Loner (12 or less) [-5]; Pacifism (Cannot Harm Innocents) [-10]; Sense of Duty (Adventuring companions) [-5]; Vow (Vegetarianism) [-5].
Quirks: _Unused Quirk 1; _Unused Quirk 2; _Unused Quirk 3; _Unused Quirk 4; _Unused Quirk 5. [-5]
Acrobatics (H) DX-2 [1]-11; Armoury/TL3 (Missile Weapons) (A) IQ-1 [1]-11; Bow (A) DX+4 [2]-17§; Camouflage (E) IQ+4 [1]-16§; Climbing (A) DX-1 [1]-12; Fast-Draw (Arrow) (E) DX+6 [1]-19¶; First Aid/TL3 (Human) (E) IQ [1]-12; Karate (H) DX-2 [1]-11; Knife (E) DX [1]-13; Naturalist (Clichea) (H) IQ-2 [1]-10; Navigation/TL3 (Land) (A) IQ [2]-12; Observation (A) Per-1 [1]-13; Search (A) Per-1 [1]-13; Stealth (A) DX+3 [1]-16§; Survival (Woodlands) (A) Per+3 [1]-17§; Swimming (E) HT [1]-11; Tracking (A) Per-1 [1]-13; Traps/TL3 (A) IQ-1 [1]-11; Weather Sense (A) IQ-1 [1]-11.
- * Includes -1 from 'Racial ST Penalty'; Conditional +1 from 'Striking ST'.
- † Includes +1 from 'Wood Elf (Dungeon Fantasy)'.
- ‡ Includes +1 from 'Combat Reflexes', +1 from 'Combat Reflexes'.
- § Includes +2 from 'Forest Guardian', +2 from 'Extra Forest Guardian'.
- ¶ Includes +2 from 'Forest Guardian', +2 from 'Extra Forest Guardian', +1 from 'Combat Reflexes', +1 from 'Combat Reflexes'.
- Renting a room at the Rentley farmhouse in the hinterlands of the Capital
- Title prior to 15 Earliwinter 1000 AE (Legends II:XII): Lëodan the Wanderer, Ranger of Elfwood, Initiate of the Heroes' Guild