List of Generican Monarchs
- Jon I
- Reign 600ya to #ya
- Jon II
- Jon III
- Roberd I "the Not-Jon"
- Jon IV
- Jon V
- [Other]
- Roberd II
- [Other]
- Jon VI "The Brief"
- Jon VII "The Minor"
- Jon VIII
- Jayn
- Only female ruler of Generica; turned out rather well, actually
- "Long" Jon IX
- Jon X
- Jon XI
- Jaymes I
- [Other]
- Jon XII
- Jon XIII
- After another rebellion attempt, got sick of Drakeburn treachery and exterminated the entire family (or intended to)
- Jon XIV (?-?-900); killed at the Battle of North Pass
- Jaymes II
- Jon XV (875-900-928 @53yo)
- Defeated the Overlord's Black Army and pushed them back to Nefaria
- Roberd III (878-928-937 @59yo)
- Jaymes III (905-937-954 @49yo)
- Jon XVI (939-954-989 @50yo); died of age/infirmity
- Jon XVII (961-989-?)
- Defeated the adventurer Luzar Drakeburn's force at the Battle of Crownsford
Line of Succession:
(Agnatic-Cognatic Primogeniture)
- Damsel Crownroy
- Jakeb Crownroy
- Eddard "Ned" Crownroy
- Roberd "Rob" Crownroy