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<nowiki>Quote: &quot;'Tis always easier to make a friend before blood has been shed.&quot;</nowiki>
<nowiki>Quote: &quot;'Tis always easier to make a friend before blood has been shed.&quot;</nowiki>
<nowiki>Bastard born, Kenrick is the son of Lady Eliza, the youngest sister of Lord Stagwood, Duc of the Woodlands, and an unknown man. Sadly, Lady Eliza died in childbirth, but not before pleading with her elder brother to treat her son well. At the time, Lord Stagwood did not have a proper heir - he had several daughters, but no sons - and, as a result, reared Kenrick in such a way that the boy could become his heir should circumstances warrant it. Eventually, Lord Stagwood's second wife bore him a son which removed any chance of the bastard inheriting, a fact many within the duc's circle feared might lead to problems. This is not to be, however, as Kenrick is well aware that being bastard-born means he must make his own way. He considers Lord Stagwood and his children as family and is utterly loyal to them.</nowiki>
<nowiki>Bastard born, Kenrick is the son of Lady Eliza, the youngest sister of Lord Stagwood, Duc of the Woodlands, and an [[Randyl Starkweather|unknown man]]. Sadly, Lady Eliza died in childbirth, but not before pleading with her elder brother to treat her son well. At the time, Lord Stagwood did not have a proper heir - he had several daughters, but no sons - and, as a result, reared Kenrick in such a way that the boy could become his heir should circumstances warrant it. Eventually, Lord Stagwood's second wife bore him a son which removed any chance of the bastard inheriting, a fact many within the duc's circle feared might lead to problems. This is not to be, however, as Kenrick is well aware that being bastard-born means he must make his own way. He considers Lord Stagwood and his children as family and is utterly loyal to them.</nowiki>
<nowiki>Raised as a man-at-arms, Kenrick participated in many small skirmishes from an early age. During one such encounter barely two years ago with a rebellious baron who raised troops to resist paying his taxes, Kenrick encountered a magnificent horse that showed no sign of previous ownership; he rode it back, intending to sell/trade the horse. Horse refused to leave him, &amp; got him in trouble with whomever he tried to pawn him off to. This greatly amused Lord Stagwood who refused to accept the beast as a gift. Kenrick gave up trying to get rid of the horse when no one in Stagwood ranks was willing to even feed the damned thing.</nowiki>
<nowiki>Raised as a man-at-arms, Kenrick participated in many small skirmishes from an early age. During one such encounter barely two years ago with a rebellious baron who raised troops to resist paying his taxes, Kenrick encountered a magnificent horse that showed no sign of previous ownership; he rode it back, intending to sell/trade the horse. Horse refused to leave him, &amp; got him in trouble with whomever he tried to pawn him off to. This greatly amused Lord Stagwood who refused to accept the beast as a gift. Kenrick gave up trying to get rid of the horse when no one in Stagwood ranks was willing to even feed the damned thing.</nowiki>

Revision as of 15:01, 30 August 2017

Name Kenrick "Lackland"
Age 20
Race Human
Class Knight
Status PC (Living)
Allegiance Generica
Religion Imperial


Title: Ser Kenrick Lackland, Initiate of the Heroes’ Guild; also called "The Hammer"
Tropes: Will Not Tell a Lie, Knight in Shining Armor, possible Secret Legacy, The Golden Rule, Nice Guy
Actor: Henry Cavill, Ref: Galadedrid Damodred from Wheel of Time

"'Tis always easier to make a friend before blood has been shed."

Ser Kenrick Lackland (155 points)

ST 13* [30]; DX 13 [60]; IQ 10 [0]; HT 12 [20].
Damage 1d/2d; BL 34 lb; HP 13 [0]; Will 10 [0]; Per 10 [0]; FP 12 [0].
Basic Speed 6.25 [0]; Basic Move 6 [0]; Dodge 10†.

Social Background

TL: 4 [0].
CF: Imperial (Native) [0].
Languages: Common (Native) [0].

Templates and Meta-Traits

Squire (Dungeon Fantasy; p. DF15:17) [0]; Sword-and-Shield Fighting (Martial Arts; p. MA199) [0].


Adventurer's Guild Rank 0 [0]; Ally (Ser Magnus (Horse); 25% of starting points; Constantly) [4]; Appearance (Attractive) [4]; Born War-Leader 2 [10]; Combat Reflexes [15]; Signature Gear $500 (Foebane) [1]; Status +2 [10]; Striking ST 1 [5]; Trading Character Points for Money $2,000 [4].
Perks: Form Mastery (Foebane); Weapon Bond (Axe/Mace, Spear). [2]


Code of Honor (Chivalry) [-15]; Honesty (9 or less) [-15]; Sense of Duty (Adventuring companions) [-5]; Sense of Duty (Lord Stagwood; Individual) [-2]; Social Stigma (Bastard-born) [-5]; Truthfulness (9 or less) [-7].
Quirks: _Unused Quirk 4; _Unused Quirk 5; Does not like ale; is wholly a wine drinker; Epitome: Walks, Talks and Acts like a Nobleman; Treats & talks to Ser Magnus like a human. [-5]


Animal Handling (Equines) (A) IQ [2]-10; Armoury/TL4 (Body Armor) (A) IQ-1 [1]-9; Armoury/TL4 (Melee Weapons) (A) IQ-1 [1]-9; Axe/Mace (A) DX+2 [8]-15; Brawling (E) DX [1]-13; Broadsword (A) DX-1 [1]-12; Carousing (E) HT [1]-12; Diplomacy (H) IQ+1 [8]-11; First Aid/TL4 (Human) (E) IQ [1]-10; Forced Entry (E) DX [1]-13; Heraldry (A) IQ [2]-10; Hiking (A) HT-1 [1]-11; Knife (E) DX [1]-13; Lance (A) DX-1 [1]-12; Leadership (A) IQ+1 [1]-11‡; Observation (A) Per-1 [1]-9; Riding (Equines) (A) DX [2]-13§; Savoir-Faire (High Society) (E) IQ+1 [2]-11; Shield (Shield) (E) DX+1 [2]-14; Strategy (Land) (H) IQ+1 [2]-11‡; Survival (Plains) (A) Per-1 [1]-9; Tactics (H) IQ+1 [2]-11‡; Wrestling (A) DX-1 [1]-12.
Techniques: Counterattack (Axe/Mace) (H) [0]-10; Feint (Axe/Mace) (H) [0]-15.


* Conditional +1 from 'Striking ST'.
† Includes +1 from 'Combat Reflexes'.
‡ Includes +2 from 'Born War-Leader'.
§ Conditional +1 from 'Stirrups' when controlling animal.


1× Backpack, Small ($372; 30.45 lb); 1× Bit & Bridle ($35; 3 lb); 1× Boots ($80; 3 lb); 1× Canteen ($10; 3 lb); 1× Flint ($2; 3.2 oz); 1× Horseshoes ($50; 4 lb); 1× Lance ($60; 6 lb); 1× Large Knife ($40; 1 lb); 1× Leather, Heavy (Forearms, Hands; $70; 7 lb); 1× Mail, Heavy (Elbows, Shoulders, Upper Arms, Legs, Torso; $2700; 40.5 lb); 1× Medium Shield, Heavy ($60; 14 lb); 1× Personal Basics ($5; 1 lb); 1× Pick (Martel-de-Fer; Foebane; Hilt Punch; Signature Gear; Hammer; Spear; Styling (+1); Fine Quality; Weapon Bond (Perk); $750; 4 lb); 1× Plate, Light (Pot Helm, Wide Cheek Guard, Nasal; $240; 1.92 lb); 1× Pouch ($10); 1× Saddle & Tack ($150; 15 lb); 1× Ser Magnus (Cavalry Horse; _Free; War-Trained; $420; 48 lb); 1× Sleeping Fur ($50; 8 lb); 1× Stirrups ($125; 20 lb); 1× Whetstone ($5; 1 lb); 1× Wineskin ($10; 4 oz); 1× Winter Clothes ($180; 4 lb); 20× Rations ($40; 10 lb).


None: Basic 34 lb. Ground Move 6 yd; Water Move 1 yd; Jump 6 yd. Dodge 10.
Light: Basic 68 lb. Ground Move 4 yd; Water Move 1 yd; Jump 4 yd. Dodge 9.
[Medium]: Basic 102 lb. Ground Move 3 yd; Water Move 1 yd; Jump 3 yd. Dodge 8.
Heavy: Basic 204 lb. Ground Move 2 yd; Water Move 1 yd; Jump 2 yd. Dodge 7.
X-Heavy: Basic 340 lb. Ground Move 1 yd; Water Move 1 yd; Jump 1 yd. Dodge 6.


Parry: 11 (Axe/Mace). Block: 11 (Shield (Shield)). Dodge: 8/10. DR: 3*+5/3* (Torso).

Melee Attacks

Brawling • Punch (13): 1d-1 cr. Reach C.
Brawling • Bite (13): 1d-1 cr. Reach C.
Brawling • Kick (11): 1d cr. Reach C,1.
Lance (12): 1d+3 imp. Reach 4.
Large Knife • Swing (13): 2d-2 cut. Reach C,1.
Large Knife • Thrust (13): 1d imp. Reach C.
Medium Shield, Heavy • Bash (14): 1d cr. Reach 1.
Medium Shield, Heavy • Rush (14): slam+2 cr. Reach 1.
Pick Martel-de-Fer; Foebane • Pick (16): 2d+2 imp. Reach 1.
Pick Martel-de-Fer; Foebane • Hammer (16): 2d+1 cr. Reach 1.
Pick Martel-de-Fer; Foebane • Spear (16): 1d+3 imp. Reach 1.
Pick Martel-de-Fer; Foebane • Pummel (13): 1d-5 cr. Reach C.
Pick Martel-de-Fer; Foebane • Hilt punch (13): 1d-5 cr. Reach C.

Ranged Attacks

Large Knife (9): 1d imp. Range 11 yd / 21 yd. RoF 1. Shots T(1).


Quote: "'Tis always easier to make a friend before blood has been shed."

Bastard born, Kenrick is the son of Lady Eliza, the youngest sister of Lord Stagwood, Duc of the Woodlands, and an [[Randyl Starkweather|unknown man]]. Sadly, Lady Eliza died in childbirth, but not before pleading with her elder brother to treat her son well. At the time, Lord Stagwood did not have a proper heir - he had several daughters, but no sons - and, as a result, reared Kenrick in such a way that the boy could become his heir should circumstances warrant it. Eventually, Lord Stagwood's second wife bore him a son which removed any chance of the bastard inheriting, a fact many within the duc's circle feared might lead to problems. This is not to be, however, as Kenrick is well aware that being bastard-born means he must make his own way. He considers Lord Stagwood and his children as family and is utterly loyal to them.

Raised as a man-at-arms, Kenrick participated in many small skirmishes from an early age. During one such encounter barely two years ago with a rebellious baron who raised troops to resist paying his taxes, Kenrick encountered a magnificent horse that showed no sign of previous ownership; he rode it back, intending to sell/trade the horse. Horse refused to leave him, & got him in trouble with whomever he tried to pawn him off to. This greatly amused Lord Stagwood who refused to accept the beast as a gift. Kenrick gave up trying to get rid of the horse when no one in Stagwood ranks was willing to even feed the damned thing.

Less than a year before the campaign begins (999 AE), the adventurer Luzar Drakeburn raised a private army and attempted to wrest the crown of Generica from King Jon. Lord Stagwood answered the king's call and Kenrick rode alongside him. At the final battle of Crownsford, while attempting to convey information to Lord Stagwood, Magnus - Kenrick's horse - decided to lead a reckless charge against Kenrick's express orders to the contrary; this charge turned the tide of battle as a group of Royalist cavalry led by a cowardly nobleman saw this charge and thought the order to attack had been given. Afterward, Kenrick would be knighted by King Jon himself, all the while insisting that he had nothing to do with it, and the horse should be the one knighted; he still refers to the horse as "Ser" Magnus (or more often, "His Majesty," when he insists on having things his way.) Ser Magnus still gets him into trouble from time to time.

Now a knight, he sought and received Lord Stagwood's permission to depart Hunterhall to seek out his own path. Now, Ser Kenrick has joined the Adventurer's Guild and is seeking to earn sufficient coin to buy his way into a grand tourney.

* Meta-note: His father was Rayna Starkweather's father ... and Brother Maykew Getwelle's father as well. Only Rayna is legitimate.

Campaign Log

Points Earned: 5 (logged: 5, other: 0)

Entry for 8/4/2017 [5]: Character Background

<enter notes here>

Entry for 7/26/2017 [0]: Initial Character Creation

Character created using GURPS Character Assistant 4