Terra Nova Colony
Chronolocation: ~70±5 mya (Late-Cretaceous); estimated to be <10 million years to K/T extinction event
Geolocation: ~Rocky Mtn Nat’l Park, CO (~Granby); situated in local highlands, to minimize flooding
Population: 1155 (~100 troops)
Dimensions: ~1km diameter (w/ 418263.3m²/109 acres of protected farmland)
CR: 3
Themes & Threats
Theme: Taylor always gets his way, even if it's wrong
- Aspect: Iron Fist of Taylor
- Faces: Taylor, Chavan
Theme: The illusion of Utopia conceals a desperate struggle to survive
- Aspect: Struggle to Survive
- Faces: Fox, Guzman, Ogawa
Threat: A hidden hand is trying to turn the colony against itself
- Aspect: Hidden Hand
- Faces: Chavan
Status Quo
Balance between Taylor and his opponents, and the colony's common outside enemies, keep it from flying apart
Movers & Shakers
See Terra Nova Administration
Maintain Status Quo?
- Taylor, Boylan
Rock the Boat?
- Chavan, Sixers
Inside the Gate
- Command Center
- Boylan's Bar
- Engineering Center
- Research Center
- Medical Center
- Agricultural Center
- Market
- The Eye
- Others
Outside the Gate (OTG)
- Snakehead Falls
- Pilgrim's Tree
- Relay Stations
- Research Stations
- Outer Settlements