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(Comfortable Jobs)
(Wealthy Jobs)
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===Wealthy Jobs===
===Wealthy Jobs===
  '''Job (requirements), Monthly Income...................................... Success Roll...... Critical Failure'''
  '''Job (requirements), Monthly Income...................................... Success Roll....... Critical Failure'''
  Broker (Accountant 13+, Streetwise 14+), $10,000........................ Worst PR............arrested/-1i, -4d
  Broker (Accountant 13+, Streetwise 14+), $10,000........................ Worst PR............arrested/-1i, -4d
  Corporate assassin (Stealth 15+, any Weapon skill 15+), $15,000..........Worst PR............-1i, arrested/-6d
  Corporate assassin (Stealth 15+, any Weapon skill 15+), $15,000..........Worst PR............-1i, arrested/-6d

Revision as of 15:52, 20 February 2017


Standard 1.0 CF (Conversion Factor)

$ GURPees              1=€10.0  €*0.10  $*1.00
£ Alliance Pound       1=€0.21  €*4.80  $*0.48
₢ Britannia Crown      1=€1.03  €*0.97  $*0.10
€ Confederate Dollar   1=€1.00  €*1.00  $*0.10
₸ Terran Dollar        1=€0.60  €*1.67  $*0.17
₥ Mark                 1=€0.71  €*1.40  $*0.14
¥ Neo-Yen              1=€0.82  €*1.22  $*0.12
₺ Deben (Thaareh)      1=€1.20  €*0.83  $*0.08
₾ Chet (Kyahnt)        1=€1.00  €*1.00  $*0.10

To find an equivalent "local" price from one listed in GURPS, multiply by the last column; FREX $100(GURPees) = €10(*.10) or £48(*.48)

Social Status & Cost of Living:

Starting Wealth: $40,000 (GURPees)

-2  Homeless                                               €20
-1  Poor                                                   €60
 0  Joe Average                                            €120
 1  Research Engineer, Corp Staffer, Gov't Worker, Miner   €600
 2  City Mayor, Multinat Official, Mine Colony Director    €2,400
 3  Planetary Baron, System Governor                       €12,000
 4  Nat'l Bureaucrat, Senator, Min. Media Figure           €120,000
 5  Corp Board Member, Corp CEO                            €1,200,000
 6  Nat'l President, Ambassador to GPO, Maj. Media Figure  €12,000,000
 7  Multinat CEO, GPO President, Top Media Figure          €120,000,000

Job Table

From GURPS Traveller p.106 & Cyberworld p.23 (may need some tweaking of "prices")

Poor Jobs

Job (requirements), Monthly Income...................................... Success Roll...... Critical Failure
Bouncer at Low Dive (ST 10+), Cr400......................................ST................ LJ, 4d/8d
Solo Thugger* (Brawling or Weapons skills), $400........................ PR................ Arrested/3d
Starport Panhandler* (Panhandling), Cr300................................PR................ 1d/4d
Street Entertainer* (any one of Bard, Dancing, Musical Instrument,
     or Singing 10+), Cr50 × Skill...................................... PR................ -1i

Struggling Jobs

Job (requirements), Monthly Income...................................... Success Roll...... Critical Failure
Actor/Actress* (Acting 10+), Cr50 × Skill................................PR................ -1i/LJ, 1d
Bouncer at Better-Quality Dive (ST10+, Intimidation), Cr650..............Best PR............LJ, 4d/8d
Ganger (any Combat or Thief/Spy skills), $50XPR..........................PR................ arrested/-2d
General Laborer (ST 10+), Cr550..........................................PR................ LJ/5d
Journalist* (Research 12+, Bard, or Photography 12+), 
    Cr70 × Best PR plus Cr500 × Reputation.............................. Best PR............-2i/LJ, 2d
Mechanic/Technician (any Mechanic skill at 12+), Cr120 × skill.......... PR................ -1i/-1i, LJ, 2d
Rentacop (Guns 12+), $750................................................vision roll........LJ/-3d
Roadie (ST 10+), Cr650.................................................. PR................ -1i/LJ
Ronin* (Any Combat skill 15+), $800......................................PR................ -2d, arrested/-6d
Sales Clerk (Merchant 10+), Cr600........................................PR + Reaction......LJ
Security Guard (any combat skill at 10+, ST 10+), Cr600..................PR................ -1i, LJ/LJ, 4d
Terrorist: fanatic (Demolitions, Psychology, Traps 12+), $500............Worst PR.......... -2d/-5d, arrested
Translator (two additional languages at 12+), Cr100 × skill..............Best PR-2..........-2i/-3i, LJ

Average Jobs

Job (requirements), Monthly Income...................................... Success Roll...... Critical Failure
Bodyguard (ST 11+, one combat skill at 12+), Cr90 × IQ.................. ST................ -1i, LJ/-1i, LJ, 4d
Data analyst (Research 12+), $100 per point of Research..................PR................ -1i/-3i
Korpkop (IQ 11+, Guns 12+), $1,000 + $75 per year of service............ IQ................ -3d/LJ
Korp merc (any 3 Combat skills 13+), $100 X worst PR.................... Worst PR.......... -5d/LJ
Lab Assistant/Tech Worker (Computer Operation 10+,
    Research 11+, any Science skill 10+), Cr100 × worst PR-6............ Worst PR.......... -2i/LJ, 2d
Line military (Enlisted) (Guns 14+, Karate 12+, Knife 12+), $1,000...... Guns.............. -2i/-4d
Local Law Enforcement: Patrol (Law Enforcement, Streetwise,
    and Criminology 12+), Cr75 × best PR................................ Worst PR.......... -3i, 2d/LJ, 4d
Low-level Spy (Fast-Talk, Research, and Stealth), Cr100 × Worst PR...... Worst PR.......... 4d, LJ/Jailed
Mercenary Trooper (any two combat skills 10+), Cr100 × Best PR.......... Best PR-2..........-2i, 4d/8d, LJ
Metrocop (Streetwise 12+, Guns 12+), $1,100..............................Worst PR.......... LJ/-5d
Private Detective (Law Enforcement, Research,
    and Streetwise 12+), Cr75 × best PR..................................Worst PR.......... -3i, 2d/LJ, 4d
Prospector/Belter* (Prospecting 10+), Cr100 × Skill......................Prospecting........-3i, 1d/LJ, 3d
Salaryman (any Professional Skill 12+), $800 + $100 per year of service..PR................ -1i/IJ
Special ops (Guns 15+, Karate 14+), $1,500.............................. Worst PR.......... -2i/-6d
Starship Crew (Status 0+, appropriate shipboard skill 10+),
    Cr80 × best appropriate skill plus Cr200 × (Rank or Status)..........Specific job’s PR.. LJ, 2d/LJ, 8d
Studio Musician (any Musical Instrument 10+), Cr100 × PR................ PR..................LJ
Triad hitter* (Any combat skill 15+), $1,250............................ PR..................-3d/arrested

Comfortable Jobs

Job (requirements), Monthly Income...................................... Success Roll....... Critical Failure
Back-up Musician (any Musical Instrument 12+), Cr100 × PR................PR..................LJ
Black Marketeer* (Streetwise 12+, Merchant 10+), Cr300 × Worst PR........Streetwise..........-3i/-5i, arrested
Doctor (Physician 13+, Status 0+), Cr350 × PR............................PR..................-3i/-10i, lose license
Engineer (any Engineer skill at 12+), Cr200 × PR........................ PR..................-2i/-4i, LJ
Lawyer (Law 12+, Status 1+), Cr300 × PR..................................PR..................-2i/-2i, LJ, 2d
Line zek (Administration 12+), $2,500....................................PR..................demoted to salaryman/LJ
Local Law Enforcement: Detective (Status 0+, Law Enforcement, Streetwise,
    and Criminology 12+), Cr75 × best PR plus Cr10 × (Status)............Worst PR............-3i, 2d/LJ, 4d
Mercenary Officer (Rank 1+, any one combat skill, Leadership, and
    Tactics 10+) Cr100 × Skill plus Cr10 × (Rank or Status)..............Best PR-2.......... -2i, 4d/8d, LJ
Mid-Level Spy (Diplomacy, Intelligence Analysis, and Research), Cr375....Worst PR............-6i/LJ
Military officer (Leadership 12+, Administration 12+), 
    $1,000 + $1,000 per level of Rank....................................Worst PR............demoted 1 Rank/LJ
Scientist (Computer Operation 12+, Research 13+, any Science
    skill 14+), Cr300 × best Science skill.............................. Worst PR............-2i/LJ, 2d
Starship Officer (Rank 1+, Leadership 10+, appropriate shipboard skill 10+), 
    Cr100 × best appropriate skill plus Cr200 × (Rank or Status)........ Specific job’s PR.. LJ, 2d/LJ, 8d

Wealthy Jobs

Job (requirements), Monthly Income...................................... Success Roll....... Critical Failure
Broker (Accountant 13+, Streetwise 14+), $10,000........................ Worst PR............arrested/-1i, -4d
Corporate assassin (Stealth 15+, any Weapon skill 15+), $15,000..........Worst PR............-1i, arrested/-6d
Government assassin (Stealth 13+, any Weapon skill 13+), $10,000........ Worst PR............-2i1-6d
Major Corporate Stockholder (Very Wealthy+), Cr50,000....................10..................-2i/-5i, -1 level of Wealth, 2d
Netrunner (korp) (Cyberdeck Operation 14+), $1,000 x level of skill......PR..................-2i/L1
Protective services project coordinator (Administration 15+,
    Leadership 13+), $1,500 x worst PR.................................. Worst PR............-4d/LJ
Remittance Man/Woman* (Status 2+), Cr12,000 × Status.................... IQ + Status........ LJ**
Rock Star* (Status 2+, Performance 12+), Cr1,500 × Status................PR..................LJ†
Russki-Yak assassin (Stealth 15+, any two weapon skills 17+), $20,000....Worst PR............-3d/-6d, arrested
Sensostar* (Sensie Interface 12+), $10,000.............................. PR..................-3i/-6i
Splicer (Surgery 11+), $5,000............................................PR..................-1i/arrested
Terrorist* (Demolitions 14, Traps 14, Psychology 13), $150 x worst PR....PR..................arrested/-6d

Key to Table

PR: Prerequisite; LJ: Lose Job; “d”: dice of damage suffered (the GM may opt to play this out); “i”: months of income lost.
* Freelance jobs. ** Family loses fortune and the supply of funds is cut off.
† Musical tastes change or band breaks up over artistic differences.

Average Prices

Overall GM note: I decided to shoot for an “Old West” feel for prices, at the CF1 level


Cheap Clothing..............................€3
Fake Leather Jacket........................ €5
Good Clothing.............................. €10
Praexian Live Suit (if avail.)..............€30
Real Leather Jacket........................ €60
Temp Weapon Permit (/30da)..................€(.50 x CR) /[Pos LC difference] or ×[Neg LC difference]
Perm Weapon Permit (/yr)....................€(1 x CR) /[Pos LC difference] or ×[Neg LC difference]
Postal Carrier License......................€50
Money-Box.................................. €4
• Xtra Security............................ €8
• Disguised................................ +€2.50-5
Cash-Card.................................. €.50+.50 per €1k
• Xtra Security............................ €1+.50 per €1k
• Designer..................................+€1
• "Gold" Unlimited..........................€10
Silima, unrefined, per ounce................€.85
Avg. Astrogator's blackbox (avg)............€10,000

Housing(Hotels, per night)

Sleeper Cube................................€1
Startown, Cheap............................ €3
Startown, Average.......................... €5
Cheap...................................... €4
Average.................................... €8
First Class................................ €15
Penthouse.................................. €100
Average, Xtra Security......................€15
1st Class, Xtra Security....................€20

Housing(Apartment/Mortgage, per month)

Startown, Cheap............................ €30
Startown, Average.......................... €50
Cheap...................................... €40
Average.................................... €80
Condominium................................ €150
Penthouse.................................. €500
Average, Xtra Security......................€150
Condominium, Xtra Security..................€200

Food, Drink, Etc.

Meal(Synthetic)............................ €1
Meal(Real, Imported)........................€5
Soft Drink..................................€.1
Mixed Drink................................ €.60-€1.60
Lümpe...................................... €40
Cigar...................................... €.60-5

Communication and Information

E-Mag...................................... €1
E-Mail(per Meg)............................ €.10
Planet-Wide Mail (per lb.)..................€.20
System-Wide Mail (per lb.)..................€.70
Interstellar Mail (per lb.)................ €.01 per 500Pc
Interstellar Mail, Express (per lb.)........€.10 per 500Pc
Internet Access (per hour)..................€1
• (per month).............................. €6.50
Long-Distance Call (per minute)............ €.05
VR Suit, rental (per hour)..................€1

Transportation (Dirtside)

Hovertaxi (per 10mi, in city; per 100mi outside city)....€2
Ground Taxi (per mile).................................. €.20
Hover Limo (per hour)....................................€10
Hoverbus (per stop)......................................€.10
Planetary Flight, Coach, +50lbs .baggage (per 500mi).... €4
Planetary Flight, 1st Class/cabin, +300lbs (per 500mi).. €7.50
Bullet Tube (per 1000mi)................................ €15
Orbital Shuttle, Coach, +50lbs .baggage (per trip)...... €10
Orbital Shuttle, 1st Class, +50lbs .baggage (per trip).. €20
Orbital Shuttle, Cargo (per lb.)........................ €.10 (min €2)
Hovercar Rental (per day)................................€10
Shuttle Rental (per day)................................ €35

Transportation (Starside)

Not including meals.

Stasis..................................... €25 per system
Steerage/Bunk...............................€50 per system
Standard....................................€75 per system
First Class................................ €100 per system
Luxury......................................€150 per system
Add Cargo Space............................ €1 per cy
Working Passage............................ €0


Theatre/Concert............................ €10-50
Holovid.................................... €2.50
Arena Game..................................€5-20
Club Cover-Charge.......................... €1

Ship Stuff

Glop flavor packs, 100 meals................€10


Fuel Grade (Brin).......................... €150/T (€62/Rod, €557/crate)........331.1T/v

Starport Tarriffs

Berthing Fee.............. €2 x(hull volume in dTons) for the first 6 days, €.20 per day thereafter
Customs Duties............ 1-6% fair market value of imported goods
Freight Handling Fee...... €2/v(general); €.40/v(containers); €.10/v(bulk by pipeline); €50 minimum
Lighterage Fee............ €1/v(surface to orbit); €1.50/v(short-range planetary); €4/v(to jump-point, long-range planetary)
Port Guide Fee............ €10
Special Handling.......... +50% total fees
Starport Fee.............. €50
Tug Fee....................€.02 x(rated thrust(T))
Wharf Fee..................€2/v for 30 days, €.20/v per day after